
Friday, December 17, 2010

I am alive!

I do apologize for my lack of posting this past week. It has been a full week of Christmas activty in our household...piano recitals, band concerts, school breakfasts, etc. All fun stuff!!!!! As overwhelmed as I am, I am making a conscious effort to enjoy every minute because my children are growing up much too quickly and I know that before I know it they will be off to college.
I love this time of year for so many reasons. Once such reason is because when I go to collect our mail from the mailbox there is always at least one Christmas greeting to be found amongst all the bills and junk mail. Just yesterday I received a card form a family I used to be a nanny for back even before I knew my DH! The oldest was in 8th grade at the time (and to think my son is now in 7th-WOW!) . Three of the 4 children I babysat for are now parents with a child of their own . Oh My....I feel old! What a treasure these holiday greetings are to me. I love getting caught up with our wonderful friends from all over!

Ha[y Weekend!

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