
Monday, January 26, 2009

Project 365

Have you heard about the new way to scrapbook? It is called "Project 365." You are encouraged to take one photo a day for the entire year and add journaling as you please. I love this whole concept! Many of us are great at scrapbooking the special times-the birthdays, holidays and vacations to name a few. many of us scrapbook and/or journal about the every day moments? I would love to have an album or journal all about my grandmother (or great grandmother) and how she lived her life at the same ages as me. I wonder what she did for fun at the age of 40? I wonder how she celebrated her 40th birthday or what she liked doing the most and least? All these little facts would be so neat to know about! I would love to have a journal she worte in her own handwriting.
Well, I do journal the every day life in the McGrew household and my 3 children do, as well. They each have a 9 x 9 calendar (CTMH sells a fantastic 9 x 9 calendar) where they write 3 sentences about their day every night before going to bed. Then I write them a short note on Saturday night in their calendar. We have been doing this since they were born! They will have quite a few calendars to share with their children and great grandchildren some day!
I am taking the 365 challenge and I have been taking at least one photo every day. My plan is to learn how to add an album to this blog and just post each day's photo to the album but I have not learned how to do that yet (I promise I will!).
I have posted this photo of my 2 daugthers, Molly and Payton. This was taken on January 20th. They did not have school this day so we declared it "American Girl" day. We did numerous activities throughout the day revolving around their American Girl dolls. We read stories, made paper dolls and even built puzzles. This photo is taken while they were creating clothes for their American Girl paper dolls. What a fun day it was for me and my "American Girls!"
If you have not already taken the 365 challenge-start today! What fun it will be to look at your 2009 album on January 1, 2010!
Happy Picture Taking!


Pamela OConnor said...

Amy! I'm doing the Project 365 as well. I've already created my first week's pages. I'll have to take a picture and share it with you. I like your idea of posting your picture for each day. We will have to figure out how to do that. Have fun!

amcgrew said...

Thanks so much for commenting on my blog, Pamela! How fun that you are doing the Project 365,as well! I'd love to see your first layout!

Thanks again for visiting!


Barbara said...

OMG!! It's sounds like you and your "little women" had the most perfect day playing together.
I haven't started the Project 365 but I really think I must....I have always been a camera now that my family is grown, they are so thankful...I just wish I started scrapbooking 25 years ago so all of these pix would already be showcased in an album! LOL

nonapearl said...

I'm so glad you are doing project 365! I'm doing it too. It's a great way to preserve our daily memories that are so precious. :)

About the hat, the one on my blog is not for sale, but I am in the process of knitting a few that will go into my etsy store. I'll post on my blog when they are up and ready! :) It's easier this way than taking orders. I got so back logged with the moebius scarves over Christmas, I'm trying to avoid that happening again. Oh - and all of the proceeds of my knits for sale go to our adoption fund.
